+216 31 363 11632

Note to 3rd year Applied License students in physiotherapy, pediatric care, emergency care and operative instrumentation

The averages displayed are only provisional and are based on the results obtained in the first half of the year. Those who have passed this semester must, in order to obtain their diploma, validate the second semester (teaching units, internships and end of study project).

The validation of the second semester is obtained once the student has reached the average of 10/20 between the teaching units AND the end of study project. The internship grade must also be greater than or equal to 10/20. It is therefore recommended that students who risk not being able to validate the 2nd semester after the defense of their end-of-study project, to pass BEFORE this defense, the control session for teaching units whose grade was lower than 10/20. The director Professor Ag. Mohamed BEN DHIAB

Note to students enrolled in the first year of the Applied License from the 2011-2012 academic year

The diploma of the Applied License in Health Sciences and Techniques will only be issued to the student after having validated all the units of the learning activities corresponding to the three years of study (one hundred and eighty "180" credits). Students who are admitted by compensation must make the request on behalf of the Director of the Superior School of Health Sciences and Techniques of Sousse to validate the credits they lack in order to obtain their diploma. The director Professor Ag. Mohamed BEN DHIAB

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52 Commandant Bohemi Rd, Sousse 4520, Tunisia

Phone Number

+216 31 363 11632

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